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Terreiro GPS tracks

Click on a GPS track to view route, its statistics and profile.

Portuguese Coastal Way

Portugal > Porto > Porto

Distance: 196.8 Km • Elevation gain: 1,918 m • Maximum elevation: 181 m

Caminho Português [B] Central

Portugal > Porto > Porto

Distance: 244.9 Km • Elevation gain: 4,105 m • Maximum elevation: 398 m

EuroVelo 1 (Por

Portugal > Viana do Castelo > Caminha > Terreiro

Distance: 1,156.4 Km • Elevation gain: 10,823 m • Maximum elevation: 254 m

Trail Planner Map

Portugal > Serreta > Cova

Distance: 6.7 Km • Elevation gain: 420 m • Maximum elevation: 779 m