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Pincher Creek - Lethbridge

#Bike #PincherCreek #Lethbridge

  • Distance: 101.5 Km
  • Elevation gain: 228 m
  • Maximum elevation: 1,146 m
  • Elevation loss: 525 m
  • Minimum elevation: 825 m

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Lethbridge - Bow Island

Canada > Alberta > Lethbridge

#Bike #Lethbridge #BowIsland

Distance: 116.9 Km • Elevation gain: 273 m • Maximum elevation: 924 m

Blairmore - Pincher Creek

Canada > Alberta > Division No. 15 > Crowsnest Pass

#Bike #Blairmore #PincherCreek

Distance: 47.4 Km • Elevation gain: 259 m • Maximum elevation: 1,304 m

Départ - Alberta

Canada > Colombie-Britannique > District régional du Grand Vancouver > Vancouver

Distance: 2,596.8 Km • Elevation gain: 17,360 m • Maximum elevation: 2,042 m